Friday, October 14, 2005

Helping Tara Find Her Old Friend

Hi there,

Never under estimate the amount of information I can find out for you when finding your old friend. I think Tara was pleasantly surprised!




Hi Robin,

Wow! Thank you for letting me know what you found out. That's great that at least some of the bits and pieces of info I remember about Joe were righton! Ok, so he was born in Colchester not Liverpool I will make a mental note of that (are they close though?).

The man that Joe's sister married was also in the RAF and was Joe's roommate in Saudi Arabia in '02. I remember meeting him there and his name couldhave very well been Stuart (although I don't quite remember). The names of what you say are Joe's immediate family do sound familiar now that I see them. Hopefully this will bring us closer to finding Joseph. =D

P.S. Nice work!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Another Great " Find Your Old Friend" Testimonial

Hi all

I guess in todays online world you will always have doubters - people who don't believe I have the capacity to find an old friend or family member. I guess that is just life! Anyway if you are one of these people and do require some confidence before asking me to find someone for you - please ask me for Peter's email address (see his email pasted below) . He is someone I have recently helped and in his words says "Please feel perfectly free to use me as a direct reference for your services".

That's a great testimonial

Thanks Peter!


From: "Peter Kallish"
To: "robinbrown"
Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2005 6:22 PM
Subject: 10 out of 10 +


I wish I knew the correct UK turn of phrase to communicate my great appreciation and delight at your success. Not only on the basis of results, but I feel you handled my concerns and questions with patience and encouragement.

Please feel perfectly free to use me as a direct reference for your services in case any potential client has any doubt as to the quality of the work you do and would like to contact me directly.

Thank you so very much

Peter Kallish

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Helping Lynda Find Her Old Friend!

Hi all,

If you have any doubt whether it is worth contacting me regards looking for your old friend please take heart from this email. Everyday I help people find their old friends and emails like the one below are not uncommon in fact by reading this blog you will see they happen daily. Just visit and send me a message and I will do my best to help.

All the best and have a good Sunday


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, September 30, 2005 8:10 PM
Subject: Hello
September 30, 2005

Hello Robin,

What good news !!! I am in awe of your skills, and the fact you were able to trace Keith. My goodness I don't know what to say. It's like finding a needle in a haystack. After thirty odd years or so to finally know that someone could still be found. Vow !!! Thank you so much. You are an amazing man!

I would love to hear from him. Well, I knew he was around my age, but I did not know how many years older or younger. I'm glad he's settled down. What is he doing now?

Thank you for passing on my email address, I wonder if he has one too? I would love to keep in touch. It's nice to know he has been around the arctic, while he was with the Royal Marines. It's a part of Canada that not very many Canadians even get an opportunity to see in their lifetime - and I am blessed that I not only work here, but live here. It will always be a part of my life that has enriched me beyond words - both culturally and spiritually.

Do reply if you can, I would love to keep in touch with you.

Cheers and have a wonderful weekend.

