Helping Tara Find Her Old Friend
Hi there,
Never under estimate the amount of information I can find out for you when finding your old friend. I think Tara was pleasantly surprised!
Hi Robin,
Wow! Thank you for letting me know what you found out. That's great that at least some of the bits and pieces of info I remember about Joe were righton! Ok, so he was born in Colchester not Liverpool I will make a mental note of that (are they close though?).
The man that Joe's sister married was also in the RAF and was Joe's roommate in Saudi Arabia in '02. I remember meeting him there and his name couldhave very well been Stuart (although I don't quite remember). The names of what you say are Joe's immediate family do sound familiar now that I see them. Hopefully this will bring us closer to finding Joseph. =D
P.S. Nice work!