Monday, February 25, 2008

New Dad !!! Thanks to Find An Old Friend!

Every year many parents find their children for the first time and children discover their missing parents for the first time.

Back in 2004 I was specially happy for Natasha because the surname of her father was Jones so it could have been like looking for a needle in a haystack,

Fortunately he had one of those unusual welsh christian names and it was not difficult to single him out.

Another thing that was so pleasing for all concerned was the fact that her father had never married and he had no other children so when she showed up it was a wonderful new world for him.

I quote now from what Natasha said to me.

"Hi Robin

My dad phoned me shortly after my boyfriend emailed you, we talked for about 15 minutes and it went really well. We agreed to stay in touch, but take it slowly at first, it was strange because he works with a few people I grew up with , small world !!!

I cant thank you enough for what you have done to help me , this is a life changing thing and my head is still spinning.

He has never married and has no other children, and hes going to phone me and arrange a meeting when we have come back to earth again.

Again thank you so much and I will keep you informed as to what happens

Natasha xx

A Missing Family Always Need To Be Found

Dear Mr Brown

This is Barbara and I just want to say thank you for helping me find my family.

My grandfather is already dead, which is quite disappointing but my grandmother and father are fine, and were delighted that I contacted them because they had no way of contacting me.

Thank you very much sir, and God bless you for having such a kind heart

Take care Barbara

Surprise Old Friends Are Always Welcome On Your 80th Birthday

Dear Robin

I am very pleased to tell you that my father's 80th birthday party was a great success.

Made more so by the surprise arrival of my father's old friend Arthur.

He is 82 years old and in fine fettle--we provided a taxi for him both ways.

My father was very emotionally overcome on his arrival and departure---they have now vowed to keep in touch

They spent a lot of time going over old times and it was really super to see.

Many thanks for all your help in this worthwhile cause---I wish you every success in the future

Best regards Rob H

Friday, February 15, 2008

Finding Childhood Sweethearts at


Life has run through a normal course but there are often people you never want to forget.

I was lucky as I bumped into my first serious love by accident as a travelling representative but this does not normally happen.

You can be left very lonely in the evening of your life and finding an old flame can mean much to you.

My most recent involvement with such a person who came to findanoldfriend spoke to me as follows:

"Let me tell you that finding Eddie for me has brought us both a lot of joy as he was my childhood sweetheart and we have rekindled that love we had so many years ago, and we see each other quite often.

He really needs a lot of support both physically and emotionally and I will always be there to do this as I am a professional carer, so Robin many thanks ------YOU HAVE MADE TWO PEOPLE VERY HAPPY."

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Found Old School Friend After 50 Years

Thanks to Findanoldfriend today was a special day for Brenda in Scotland

She wanted to know what had happened to her old school friend Gloria from when she grew up on the south coast 50 years ago.

I found that her old friend actually married really young at 18 thanks to finding her birth details as well to obtain her middle name.

Middle names are really essential to make sure you identify the right person as she had a popular surname.

When married she had an even more popular name and so it would have been almost impossible to locate her if she had not still been living with her husband intact today.


The odds were certainly stacked against her being found.

Believe it or not the couple were still living near the same town after half a century.

We hope that Brenda can now make it south for Gloria's big celebration.