Poor Mario from Holland
Mario so wanted to please the person he was going to marry in Holland but had a big problem .
He came from South America and his dutch wife to be wanted to find an old english friend to invite her to the wedding.
She had fallen out with her sometime ago and really wanted to make it up.
But as you can imagine looking for someone with a name like Geraldine Smith in London was something of a nightmare.
Poor Mario came to London on his own but didnt know where to start and went back empty handed and then they found me so I had a headache too .
I got him the list of all the matching names and their addresses and they remembered the street in Camberwell SE London where she had last been seen .
Mario came back to London and went to the right address but she was out , however just at that moment he asked someone else about Geraldine as they came out of the same building and eventually he was able to hand her the wedding invitation.
I was as pleased as he was as he had me worried for a bit. Lets hope it was happy ever after .
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